Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cross browser pop up opener and select options for a Text box


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    function searchPopUp(idfield,nameField){
        document.getElementById('localIdfield').value = idfield;
        document.getElementById('localNameField').value  = nameField;
        window.open("popUp.html","Ratting", "width=550,height=170,left=150,top=200,toolbar=1,status=1,");
<form method=post action='' name=f1>
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="localIdfield" id="localIdfield">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="localNameField" id="localNameField">
    <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=550>
        <td >
            <font size=2 face='Verdana'>Program Manager</font>
            <input type="text" disabled="true" name="programManagerContactId" id="programManagerContactId"  size='8'>
            <input type="hidden" name="programManagerName" id="programManagerName" size='8'>
            <a href="javascript:void(0);" NAME="My Window Name" title=" My title here " onClick="javascript:searchPopUp('programManagerContactId','programManagerName');">Search Program Manager</a>
        <td >
            <font size=2 face='Verdana'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Auditor</font>
            <input type="text" disabled="true"  name="auditorContactId" id="auditorContactId" size='8'>
            <input type="hidden" name="auditorName" id="auditorName" size='8'>
            <a href="javascript:void(0);" NAME="My Window Name" title=" My title here " onClick="javascript:searchPopUp('auditorContactId','auditorName');">Search Auditor</a>


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

<script langauge="javascript">
    function return_values(local_id, local_name){
        var parentIdField = opener.document.getElementById('localIdfield').value;
        var parentNameField = opener.document.getElementById('localNameField').value;

        opener.document.getElementById(parentIdField).value = document.getElementById(local_id).value;
        opener.document.getElementById(parentNameField).value =document.getElementById(local_name).value;

<title>(Type a title for your page here)</title>

<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080" alink="#ff0000">

<form name="frm" method=post action=''>
    <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=250>
            <td align="center">
                Id to be set<input type="text" name="local_id" id="local_id" size="12">
            <td align="center">
                Name to be set<input type="text" name="local_name" id="local_name" size="12">
    <input type=button value='Submit' onclick="return_values('local_id','local_name');">

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dot Net Installer download direct links

Ref from : http://www.msfn.org/board/lofiversion/index.php/t122149.html

.NET Frameworks 1.1, 1.1SP1, 2SP1 are full downloads

.NET Framework 3 and 3.5 from the general MSDN and windows update site are bootstrappers (installs, checks config, and then downloads what's needed).

Microsoft Dot Net Framework 3.0 Bootstrapper 2.8 MB

Microsoft Dot Net Framework 3.0 SP1 is a full download

Microsoft Dot Net Framework 3.0 Redistributable 50.3 MB - Direct Link

Microsoft Dot Net Framework 3.5 Bootstrapper 2.7 MB

Microsoft Dot Net Framework 3.5 Redistributable 33.3 MB

Microsoft Dot Net Framework 3.5 Full Package 197 MB Direct Link

It's the last one - the 197 MB file that looks to contain all preceding Dot NET versions... It also looks like it contains the x64 architecture files as well - I'm just not too sure???

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Spring Mail and Gmail SMTP server

Spring Mail and Gmail SMTP server

February 1, 2008 at 9:04 pm · Filed under open source, spring

In case you need to use Spring Mail with Gmail SMTP server, first of all configure a mail sender bean:

<!-- Mail Sender -->
id= "mailSender" class= "org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderImpl" >
name= "host" value= "${mail.host}" />
name= "port" value= "${mail.port}" />
name= "username" value= "${mail.username}" />
name= "password" value= "${mail.password}" />
name= "protocol" value= "${mail.protocol}" />
name= "javaMailProperties" >
key= "mail.smtps.auth" >true</prop>
key= "mail.smtps.starttls.enable" >true</prop>
key= "mail.smtps.debug" >true</prop>

We could take to a property file the relevant properties:

host = smtp. googlemail . com
port = 465
username = yourUsername
password = yourPassword
protocol = smtps

Let’s see an integrational test for this:

public class SimpleMailSenderTest extends AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests {
protected MailSender mailSender ;
public SimpleMailSenderTest () {
( true );
protected String [] getConfigLocations () {
return new String [] { ”applicationContext. xml };
public void testSendEmail () throws Exception {
    SimpleMailMessage simpleMessage =
new SimpleMailMessage ();
setFrom ( ”fromEmail” );
setTo ( ”toEmail” );
setText ( ”Testing text” );
setSubject ( ”Testing subject” );
send ( simpleMessage );

In case we have a template for sending these emails we could define a template message bean:

id= "templateMessage" class= "org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage" >
name= "from" value= "fromAddress" />
name= "to" value= "toAddress" />

Alternatively, we could also specify replyTo, cc, bcc, sentDate, subject and text.

Spring Mail and Gmail SMTP server

Spring Mail and Gmail SMTP server

February 1, 2008 at 9:04 pm · Filed under open source, spring

In case you need to use Spring Mail with Gmail SMTP server, first of all configure a mail sender bean:

<!-- Mail Sender -->
id= "mailSender" class= "org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSenderImpl" >
name= "host" value= "${mail.host}" />
name= "port" value= "${mail.port}" />
name= "username" value= "${mail.username}" />
name= "password" value= "${mail.password}" />
name= "protocol" value= "${mail.protocol}" />
name= "javaMailProperties" >
key= "mail.smtps.auth" >true</prop>
key= "mail.smtps.starttls.enable" >true</prop>
key= "mail.smtps.debug" >true</prop>

We could take to a property file the relevant properties:

host = smtp. googlemail . com
port = 465
username = yourUsername
password = yourPassword
protocol = smtps

Let’s see an integrational test for this:

public class SimpleMailSenderTest extends AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests {
protected MailSender mailSender ;
public SimpleMailSenderTest () {
( true );
protected String [] getConfigLocations () {
return new String [] { ”applicationContext. xml };
public void testSendEmail () throws Exception {
    SimpleMailMessage simpleMessage =
new SimpleMailMessage ();
setFrom ( ”fromEmail” );
setTo ( ”toEmail” );
setText ( ”Testing text” );
setSubject ( ”Testing subject” );
send ( simpleMessage );

In case we have a template for sending these emails we could define a template message bean:

id= "templateMessage" class= "org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage" >
name= "from" value= "fromAddress" />
name= "to" value= "toAddress" />

Alternatively, we could also specify replyTo, cc, bcc, sentDate, subject and text.