Thursday, May 23, 2013

10 Tips for Programmers

Ref 1:

Ref 2:

1) Don't hesitate to ask questions

2) Search for a niche

3) Get familiar with the “Big Picture” of the application

4) Do what you need to do, not what you like to do

5) Share your knowledge and help your colleagues

6) Try to give realistic estimates

7) Test, test, test!

8) Remember that all of us make mistakes

9) Promote strengths of your company in social networks

10) Small tips and tricks

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

extract certain kind of unique text from each line file using perl

Please use below command:

cat FILE_PATH | perl -pe 's/.*\"([^"]*)\".*/$1/' |sort |uniq

Replace FILE_PATH  with file path where you would liek to do search