Friday, August 9, 2013

Remove PDF File password (Linux)

To remove the password from the PDF files , we can use script like below.

Shell File Name :

File Location: ~/bin/

----------------------------------------------CONTENT START----------------------------------------------------------
# Usage  
for f in $1/*.pdf
echo "Removing password for pdf file - $f"
pdftops -upw $2 "$f" "$f".ps
ps2pdf "$f".ps "$f"
        rm -rf "$f".ps 
----------------------------------------------CONTENT ENDS ----------------------------------------------------------

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Install WAS 8 beta from the 4 zip files downloaded via http

These are the steps I had followed to install WAS 8 beta with those 4 zip files.

1. Download the 4 zip files for WAS 8 beta:

2. Extract these zips all into a directory (e.g. ~/Installers/Websphere8/ ) . The resulting directory should have directories named disk1, disk2, disk3 and disk4 (in addition to other files, but this is just to clarify the directory structure)

3. Get Installation Manager for your OS (for example: in the http page, there is a file called IBM Installation Manager for Windows on Intel). Install Installation Manager onto your machine.

4. Once installed, open Installation Manager, go to File > Preferences... > select Repositories > click Add Repository... > add the directory where you had unzipped your files (e.g. ~/Installers/Websphere8/). Then click OK to add the repository and OK to quite the preferences.

5. Click on Install, and WAS 8 should be available for you to install.