Saturday, August 30, 2014

Here Is How You Can Deal With An Angry Boss


Tell someone that you are employed in a big shot company, and they all start saying how lucky you are. Has anyone ever thought how difficult it is for you if you have an angry boss?

One of the most complicated situations in your professional life is when you have a moody boss, and if the mood that he most conveniently slips into is his anger, don't you just think of quitting, every single day?

However, quitting a good job just because of your boss is not a wise decision. Anyway, a little bit of patience and manipulative skills are all it takes to deal with an angry boss.

Here are our two cents on how you can deal with an angry boss in an easier way:

First of all, recognise the type

Believe it or not, there are types when it comes to angry bosses. Some of the categories are:
Pressurising Boss: These bosses like to see their employees fully involved in work, and they want to induce pressure on anyone and everyone who comes under them in the professional hierarchy.

Manipulating Boss: These ones are the worst. They have a lot of contacts and they can threaten you directly or indirectly using their power.

Domineering Bosses: They want their words to be the final commands. Actually, they take the 'boss' word very seriously.

Strategise according to his type
Once you decide the type of boss he is, you should decide on the strategy that you have to follow in your mission of adjusting with your boss.

If your boss is pressurising, always look busy in front of him. Do not ever try to come across as someone who does smart work and easily manages his personal and professional lives. Looking busy in front of your boss would give him the required satisfaction. Know that we are not asking you not to have a personal life, just look busy in your professional one.

If your boss is manipulating, try and be diplomatic. Challenging him would only result in making you look for another job. Try and win his confidence because once you are in his inner circle, his connections can be put to your use as well. This should not mean that you have to butter him at the cost of your self-respect. This just means that you have to learn to be diplomatic.

If your boss is domineering, do not try to openly challenge him. Treat him according to the way he wants to be treated. Do not challenge his decisions. When you do that for a few days and win his confidence, you can talk to him about his habit when he is in a relaxed mood. Be careful because even while doing so, he is your boss and has the upper hand. Choose your words wisely.

How to Deal with an Angry Boss: 5 Simple Tips

Everyone knows that an angry boss looks unprofessional. Unfortunately, your boss is still your boss. Creating a good relation with your boss is important. Your boss has the upper hand and can probably find a way to get you fired. With all that said, here are five tips to deal with an angry boss.
1. Listen. Listening is hard, especially when your boss is yelling at you with the disapproving look. Most employees are tempted to retaliate and defend themselves, but a wiser choice would be to listen. Let your boss vent out some of that anger.
2. Acknowledge. Let your boss know that you know he or she is angry. Describe their body language to your boss, such as clenched fist or a red face. This should alert your boss that he or she is acting unprofessional.
3. Repeat. Tell your boss what he or she told you, showing that you were listening. Reiterate the main concerns without repeating negative words that your boss used.
4. Apologize. If you did something wrong, own up to your mistakes and apologize. Even if you don’t see the mistake, apologize because it was clearly a mistake in your boss’ eyes. In the long run, it will slower your boss’ level of anger.
5. Ask. Step up and ask your boss how you can make things better. If your boss responds by saying there is nothing you can do, suggest a couple of your own solutions to the problem. An angry boss usually can’t think of a good solution on the spot, so it is beneficial if you suggest some solutions of your own.
These five tips should help you to deal with an angry boss. In the case that you are not successful, suggest that you continue the conversation at a better time when your boss calms down. Explain to him or her that it may be difficult to communicate when they are angry. If your boss is frequently angry and always treats you with disrespect, speak to someone in a higher position than your boss. It just may be that your boss needs professional counseling.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

7 Ways To Be a Good Employee and Make Your Boss Happy

Seven Ways to Be a Good Employee and Make Your Boss Happy

Aiming to please your boss isn't about kissing up. When your goal is to make your manager more successful-rather than just yourself-you'll grow as an individual performer, as a professional, and as a part of the team, especially if you're just beginning your career.
This post originally appeared on The Muse.
When my client Angela needed help sorting out a number of career-related issues, her relationship with her manager was at the top of the list. Frankly, it was in shambles. Their working relationship was terrible, they couldn't get along, and Angela even admitted she thought her boss regretted hiring her.
While I'm sure Angela's boss had his own faults, I began to realize that Angela had forgotten the fundamental rule of employment: You are there to make your manager successful. Angela was contentious and argumentative, and I could see how her boss might not consider her someone who made his life any easier.
On the other hand, when I look back at the best staff I had as a manager, they were the ones doing whatever was needed-and with a great attitude-so that we could all be successful together. In short, they made my life easier.
The good news is, aiming to do the same doesn't just help your boss out. When your goal is to make your manager more successful-rather than just yourself-you'll grow as an individual performer, as a professional, and as a part of the team. You'll learn a lot about what it takes to be a leader, expand your empathic skills, and develop your capacity for leadership. Plus, your boss will likely become your mentor and advocate-which will put many more opportunities within your reach.
It's not complicated; it just requires a decision and commitment on your part to make it happen. Here are some starter tips for making your manager's life-and job-easier on a daily basis.

1. Get to Know Your Manager

You can't make your boss' life easier if you don't understand how he or she fundamentally operates. So, your first step is to figure out what he needs from you-and how you should deliver it.
Does he prefer updates delivered in written form or verbally? Spreadsheets or PowerPoint slides? Does he want information conveyed via email, during a team meeting, or on a voicemail?
Getting to know your manager and his preferences will help you deliver the information he needs, the way he needs it. And who doesn't appreciate that?

2. Know Your Boss' Goals

As an employee, you may be so focused on your own goals that you forget that you're actually there to support your manager achieving her goals. So, make it your job to understand the goals, numbers, projects, and other deliverables your boss is accountable for.
It's as simple as asking your manager as part of your one-on-one meetings, "If I'm aware of your goals and priorities, I can better support you in achieving them. Can you share these with me, so that I can help you succeed?" Once you understand her goals, you'll be able to produce deliverables that support her success.

3. Never Let Your Manager Be Blindsided

One rule I always asked my teams to abide by was to never let me be blindsided. In short: No surprises.
So, if you suspect that one of your customers is getting really ticked off and is about to escalate over you-and over your boss-to the VP of customer service, you need to let your manager know. Otherwise, she'll be completely blindsided by the situation, unprepared to handle it, and likely, not too happy with you.
A blindside creates frustration and chaos that usually ends up in a major time-wasting fire drill. Avoid it, and believe me, your manager will thank you.

4. Don't Expect Your Boss to Spoon-Feed You

It may sound harsh, but no manager wants to babysit an employee. So if you have questions about health insurance, where to find the pencils, or how to file an expense report, find a colleague who can help you get your answers.
Save one-on-one time with your boss for work-related matters that require collaboration; issues that allow you to flex your intellectual muscles and prove your worth as an employee.

5. Meet (or Beat!) Your Deadlines

When you get an assignment from your manager, enthusiastically commit to the deadline (this means "I'm on it!" not, "I'll see what I can do"). Then, aim to deliver it at least a day early.
This gives your boss time to flex and adapt in case something comes up-and it always does-rather than sweating it out for you to deliver something at the very last minute.

6. Offer Solutions, Not Problems

Your job is not to constantly point out problems that arise, but rather, to proactively start thinking about what solutions could help address those challenges.
For example, you should never walk into your boss' office to complain about how the shipping department can never get anything out on time. Instead, you should first go to the shipping department, have a conversation about what can be done to improve the situation, and see what you can do to help.
Then, when you do go to your boss about it, you'll be able to let him or her know the action you've already taken to start solving the problem.

7. Do What You Say; Say What You Do

If you say you'll finish a report by Friday for the team update, but you come in Friday morning unprepared because "other things came up," people will probably complain to your manager.
And if that's not enough, if your manager was counting on that report to take the next steps on a project or to present to the executive team, it will inconvenience (read: annoy) him or her even further.
People who are accountable for their actions and follow up on their commitments are dream employees-and their bosses know they can count on them, no matter what.
Employees who work to make their managers successful are golden. Your manager has a tough job-the stress and pressure of which may not be abundantly evident to you. So, help your manager out and develop your own skills at the same time, by doing everything you can to make your boss' job easier. When you're a manager, you'll appreciate the same.