Tuesday, December 22, 2015

How to impress your boss for better Appraisal

Ref: http://jobbuzz.timesjobs.com/jobbuzz/things-to-improve-your-appraisal-rating.html?utm_source=product&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=jbimproverating&resourcesVersion=aa694bbdda60b40aabd782f4eb49ffaf&compressResource=true#ad-image-0

Don't forget your achievements: Managers often forget achievements of team members. You shouldn't. Start making a list of what you feel are your accomplishments. Add everything, even the smallest. So when the discussion happens, you know what to highlight.

Don't let the manager forget your achievements: It's not just about remembering your achievements but also making the manager remember them. It won't look nice if you have to remind him/her of how useful you have been when the boss is actually being critical. So make sure he/she is constantly aware of your good work.

Get across the message subtly: To get across the message that you are awesome, you have to build an easy relationship with the boss so that you can casually mention how one of your strategies worked well or how you plan to bring in changes.

Just deliver on expectations: But just tom-tomming your work may not work well if the manager has already formed an opinion about you. You need to break that perception. And the only way is doing something he/she has subtly been asking of you for long and you haven't been able to deliver.

Surprise the boss:   This needs hard work. To make the manager really happy, do at least one thing he/she never expected out of you. Pleasantly surprise the boss, with your work results. The boss will always remember that when the two of you sit down for the appraisal meeting.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Websphere disable SSL on iiop coneection

We used to have a client that connects to MQ queues configured in Websphere server through iiop protocol. When we upgrade to 8.5 version of we start getting below error.

javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException: A communication failure occurred while attempting to obtain an initial context with the provider URL: "iiop://VENKATESWARA.RAO.DESU:2809".
Make sure that any bootstrap address information in the URL is correct and that the target name server is running.  A bootstrap address with no port specification defaults to port 2809.  Possi
le causes other than an incorrect bootstrap address or unavailable name server include the network environment and workstation network configuration. [Root exception is org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT
 java.net.ConnectException: connect: Address is invalid on local machine, or port is not valid on remote machine:host=VENKATESWARA.RAO.DESU,port=0  vmcid: 0x4942f000  minor code: 35
6  completed: No]
        at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtxFactory.mapInitialReferenceFailure(WsnInitCtxFactory.java:2226)
        at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtxFactory.mergeWsnNSProperties(WsnInitCtxFactory.java:1386)
        at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtxFactory.getRootContextFromServer(WsnInitCtxFactory.java:924)
        at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtxFactory.getRootJndiContext(WsnInitCtxFactory.java:848)
        at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtxFactory.getInitialContextInternal(WsnInitCtxFactory.java:533)
        at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtx.getContext(WsnInitCtx.java:117)
        at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtx.getContextIfNull(WsnInitCtx.java:712)
        at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtx.lookup(WsnInitCtx.java:171)
        at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:392)
        at com.hsbc.fe.test.ISMTest.initJNDISenders(ISMTest.java:282)
        at com.hsbc.fe.test.ISMTest.init(ISMTest.java:193)
        at com.hsbc.fe.test.ISMTest.main(ISMTest.java:885)
Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT: java.net.ConnectException: connect: Address is invalid on local machine, or port is not valid on remote machine:host=VENKATESWARA.RAO.DESU,port=0
 vmcid: 0x4942f000  minor code: 3586  completed: No
        at com.ibm.CORBA.transport.TransportConnectionBase.connect(TransportConnectionBase.java:425)
        at com.ibm.rmi.transport.TCPTransport.getConnection(TCPTransport.java:157)
        at com.ibm.rmi.iiop.TransportManager.get(TransportManager.java:93)
        at com.ibm.rmi.iiop.GIOPImpl.getConnection(GIOPImpl.java:115)
        at com.ibm.rmi.iiop.GIOPImpl.createRequest(GIOPImpl.java:144)
        at com.ibm.rmi.corba.ClientDelegate._createRequest(ClientDelegate.java:1931)
        at com.ibm.rmi.corba.ClientDelegate.createRequest(ClientDelegate.java:1208)
        at com.ibm.CORBA.iiop.ClientDelegate.createRequest(ClientDelegate.java:1287)
        at com.ibm.rmi.corba.ClientDelegate.createRequest(ClientDelegate.java:1141)
        at com.ibm.CORBA.iiop.ClientDelegate.createRequest(ClientDelegate.java:1253)
        at com.ibm.rmi.corba.ClientDelegate.request(ClientDelegate.java:1807)
        at com.ibm.CORBA.iiop.ClientDelegate.request(ClientDelegate.java:1209)
        at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._request(ObjectImpl.java:431)
        at com.ibm.WsnBootstrap._WsnNameServiceStub.getProperties(_WsnNameServiceStub.java:38)
        at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.WsnInitCtxFactory.mergeWsnNSProperties(WsnInitCtxFactory.java:1369)
        ... 10 more
Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: connect: Address is invalid on local machine, or port is not valid on remote machine
        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:351)
        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(PlainSocketImpl.java:213)
        at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:200)
        at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(SocksSocketImpl.java:366)
        at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:529)
        at com.ibm.rmi.transport.TCPTransportConnection.createSocket(TCPTransportConnection.java:155)
        at com.ibm.rmi.transport.TCPTransportConnection.createSocket(TCPTransportConnection.java:167)
        at com.ibm.CORBA.transport.TransportConnectionBase.connect(TransportConnectionBase.java:354)
        ... 24 more

The issue is due to SSL enabled on the iiop inbound channel, the quick fix is to disable the SSL in below.

Security  == > Global security --> Authentication --> RMI/IIOP security --> CSIv2 inbound communications

CSIv2 Transport Layer --> Transport (Change it to TCP/IP from SSL Required)

Helping links ofr further debugging:

Security  == > Global security --> Authentication --> RMI/IIOP security --> CSIv2 inbound communications

CSIv2 Transport Layer --> Transport (Change it to TCP/IP from SSL Required)