Thursday, December 13, 2007

Exo-ECM postgres SQL configuration

1) JDBC Driver – copy the driver to application service lib directory.
URL: jdbc:postgresql:postgres
Driver Class: org.postgresql.Driver
Username: postgres
Password: postgres
2) Configure the driver .
Single-database configuration:
Configure the “database-configuration.pgsql.xml” and “database-configuration.xml” available in “%EXO-TOMCAT-HOME%/conf” directory to postgres: (If ‘database-configuration.pgsql.xml’ not available then take a content copy of ‘database-configuration.hsql.xml’ file and create new one)
The changes includes update the url of data base, driver class, username, password and dialect.
Here are the details for Poetgres:
URL: jdbc:postgresql:postgres
Driver Class: org.postgresql.Driver
Username: postgres
Password: inkriti
Dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect

3) Intigration

Work n progress:
We are getting issues while creating the tables into postgres data base as hibernate configuration for postgres sql is different from hsql(Ex: In scenarios of identity generation is different for different data bases)

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