Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Five ways to handle being overworked

Ref: http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2014-11-14/news/56093255_1_family-time-quality-time-work

Every minute of our life counts, and those who learn the art of balancing work and life in a hypercompetitive world are the true achievers. For this, boundaries need to be clearly defined. Prachi Verma brings you some tips on how to walk the fine balance.
1) Stay Within Limits
Know when to say 'stop'. Never burden yourself with too many responsibilities at work or in your personal life. Also, do not set unrealistic deadlines at work. "This will only result in choking yourself and hardly finding any time for yourself, your family and friends. Do not make work overload a part of your lifestyle," says Manu Midha, vice president, planning and strategy at Infibeam.
2) Prioritise Work
Before stepping out of your house, plan your day. This will help you prioritise between the important and not-so important tasks. Also, while planning the day, incorporate the health aspects too, especially food and exercise. If certain tasks at work can be pushed for another day, speak to your manager. There is no harm in checking with your senior rather than doing something that could be pushed for later.
3) Include Regular Breaks
From exercise to work, space out all your activities. At work, compel yourself to get up for regular water breaks. This will ensure that the body is adequately hydrated and gets a regular stretch with a little walk. Also, remember to snack healthy.
4) Spend Quality time with Family
You can easily fall back on your family or friends to find the drive to return to work the next morning. "It is important to spend quality time with your family and friends to relax from the workload. Do not talk work with your family. The family is a huge source of energy, so make the most of it," adds Midha.
5) Try and avoid the constant use of a smartphone
"Mobile technology allows us to remain connected and responsive 24/7. While being connected at all times adds to flexibility, it also interferes with family time, which can result in frustration. You need to set your own boundaries," says Shweta Tangri, vice-president of human resources at Pearson India.

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