Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Steve Jobs Guide To Manipulating People And Getting What You Want


Work hard, and others will respect you. Respect is a crucial first step to getting what you want.

Pitch with passion. People can be influenced by strong displays of emotion.

Disarm people with seduction and flattery.

Claim all the good ideas are yours — and if you’re reversing your position, get behind the new idea with full force. Memories of the past can be easily manipulated.

Make decisions quickly and definitively. You can (usually) always change things later.

Build a strong following by using brutal honesty.

Don’t wait to fix problems. Fix them now.

There are two ways to deal with problematic people: Either address them head on…
...Or "follow the line of least involvement" and ignore them entirely.

Strike when the iron’s hot, and strike hard.

When you have leverage, USE IT.

Demand perfection, and don’t settle for anything less.

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